=== WooCommerce Product Search === Contributors: itthinx Tags: search, search engine, product search, woocommerce, ajax, ajax search, display, info, instant, instant search, information, marketing, product, products, product search, promotion, quick, quick search, relevance, search, search relevance, weight, weights Requires at least: 6.0 Requires PHP: 7.4 Tested up to: 6.4 Stable tag: 5.2.0 The best Search Engine and Search Experience for WooCommerce. == Description == The perfect Search Engine for your [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/) store helps your customers to find and buy the right products quickly. == Installation == 1. Go to *Plugins > Add New > Upload* and choose the plugin's zip file, or extract the contents and copy the `woocommerce-product-search` folder to your site's `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Enable the plugin from the *Plugins* menu in WordPress. 3. Go to *WooCommerce > Settings > Search* and enable weights to improve search result relevance. Deploy the `[woocommerce_product_search]` shortcode or the instant search widget. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where is the documentation? = Please go to the [Documentation](https://woo.com/document/woocommerce-product-search/) page. = I have a question, where do I ask? = Please go to the [Support](https://woo.com/my-account/contact-support/) page. You can also leave a comment at the author's [WooCommerce Product Search](https://www.itthinx.com/plugins/woocommerce-product-search/) plugin page. == Screenshots == Please visit the [documentation](https://woo.com/document/woocommerce-product-search/) page. == Changelog == Please refer to the changelog.txt included in the plugin's root folder. == Upgrade Notice == This version has been updated for compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce. See the changelog.txt for details.