=== CMP - Coming Soon & Maintenance Plugin by NiteoThemes ===
Contributors: niteo
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=KV2JFJ8NCBYLW&lc=US&item_name=NiteoThemes&item_number=comingsoon¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted
Tags: coming soon, coming soon page, launch page, maintenance mode, under construction
Requires at least: 3.0
Requires PHP: 5.6
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable tag: 4.1.10
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Beautiful Coming soon, Maintenance or Landing page on your website, packed with premium features for free.
== Description ==
CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance plugin has all premium features you ever wished for, and it is free! It is also super fast and user friendly. You can activate your Maintenance, Coming soon(under construction) or a Landing page with a single click. Customizable in many ways - you can select a layout from predefined Themes, set custom logo, background graphics (including YouTube videos or Unsplash images), custom text or graphic content, subscribe form, social networks icons, change typography, colors, SEO, and many more.
Packed with functions like Whitelist/Blacklist to enable CMP only on specific pages, User Roles Management, custom URL Bypass, Translation strings, custom Subscribers option and many more you would not believe it is free. No ADS too, guaranteed!
Live Preview
Click for CMP preview>>
TIP! Change to another CMP Theme, background or special effects in the right sidebar.
Best Features
- You can choose from 3 bundled free themes and 20+ downloadable themes - both freebies and premium - with completely different design. New CMP Theme is released every 1-2 months!
- CMP plugin works with any WordPress Theme and on all desktop and mobile devices (yes it is 100% responsive!).
- Custom Subscribe Form to collect E-mails in local database, MailChimp, MailPoet or Mailster.
- Set fullscreen background media including Videos (YouTube, custom video file), Images or Image Slider, Patterns, Color Gradients or Solid Colors with a graphic overlay.
- You can search from more than 1.000.000+ of free beautiful professional photos from most popular Unsplash source via our built-in search API (random images, search by keyword, category, etc).
- You can set custom Logo, choose from 100 most popular Google fonts and customize Font Weight, Letter Spacing and Line Height.
- Display beautiful icons for any Social network on your website.
- Background 3D effects on all downloaded CMP Themes.
- CMP Landing page can be enabled on specific pages only (Blacklist and Whitelist) if required.
- WordPress roles to bypass CMP and display your full website for logged-in users.
- Bypass URL to preview a website for your customers.
- WPML and Polylang is fully supported to display your awesome Coming soon page in more languages.
- All strings are Fully translatable.
- Display Login Icon Button on Coming soon pages.
- Compatible with custom WordPress login URL.
- GDPR ready.
- Configurable Countdown Action - disable Coming soon / Maintenance mode, Hide counter or redirect to another website.
- Configurable SEO meta tags for search engines, editable favicon, Search Engine Visibility and No-cache Headers.
- Set response code to search engines (200 OK, 503 Maintenance).
- Redirect Mode to redirect your website to another website.
- Support for any website Analytics like Google Analytics or similar.
- Subscribe feature protected by Google Recaptcha integration.
- Insert any Custom CSS code.
Compatible Plugins
Customize WordPress Login Page?
Check out our latest plugin for a login page customization - CLP - Custom Login Page. It's super easy and awesome!
Administration page overview
== Screenshots ==
1. CMP - Hardwork responsive
2. CMP - Mercury Theme
3. CMP - Mercury Theme
4. CMP - Mercury Theme
5. CMP - Hardwork Theme
6. CMP - Apollo Theme
7. CMP - Hardwork Theme
8. CMP - Element Theme
9. CMP - Element Theme
10. CMP - Fifty Theme
11. CMP - Hardwork Premium Theme
12. CMP - Fifty Theme
13. CMP - Fifty Theme
14. CMP - Orbit Theme
15. CMP - Hardwork Premium Theme
16. CMP - Apollo Theme
17. CMP - Hardwork Theme
18. CMP - Postery Theme
19. CMP - Hardwork Premium Theme
20. CMP - Frame Theme
21. CMP - Countdown Theme
22. CMP - Frame Theme
23. CMP - Stylo Theme
24. CMP - Vega Theme
25. CMP - Vega Theme
26. CMP - Agency Theme
27. CMP - Eclipse Theme
28. CMP - Juno Theme
29. CMP - Pluto Theme
30. CMP - Tempie Theme
31. CMP - Libra Theme
== Installation ==
Install from WordPress Plugin Dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
- Search for 'CMP NiteoThemes'
- Click 'Install Now'
- Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
- To Setup click CMP Settings and change the settings there
Upload in WordPress Plugin Dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Upload' area
- Download
and select cmp-coming-soon-maintenance.zip
from your directory
- Click 'Install Now'
- Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
- To Setup click CMP Settings and change the settings there
FTP Upload
- Download
and extract the cmp-coming-soon-maintenance.zip
zip file to your computer
- Upload the extracted
directory to the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
- To Setup click CMP Settings and change the settings there
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
I can't see the CMP landing page I've just activated!
As long as you're logged in as admin, you cannot see it. That`s the purpose of our plugin - it displays Maintenance or Coming Soon page only to guest visitors of your page while you can work on your real website. You can preview the page by clicking on "preview" tab, by logging out from Wordpress or accessing your website from a different browser (or anonymous tab)
I can still see the landing page I've just deactivated! I even deleted the plugin but it is still there!
This is 100% caching issue! Please make sure to delete cache from your caching plugins, hosting provider cache and browser as well. CMP plugin supports all most popular caching plugins, but sometimes it just does not work as expected and you still need to delete it manually in caching plugin option.
I love the landing page so much, can I use it forever?
Yes of course! You can use CMP landing pages as your main splash page! Just make sure to set CMP plugin to "Coming Soon & Landing Page" mode which returns correct response codes to web search engines.
How can I translate text on buttons, countdown text and others?
Go to CMP Settings > CMP Translation sub-menu where you can translate or modify every string used!
What are 503 or 200 HTTP codes, huh?
OK, it`s easy - if you want to display Coming Soon page you usually wants to search engines (like Google) to be able to index your website. In that case you want the response code set to 200 HTTP "OK" - set Coming Soon mode or Landing Page.
On the other hand if you have your website already up and running but you are doing only a short maintenance it is better to send response 503 HTTP Service Unavailable code. By that way you make sure the search engines do not index your temporarily website while it's down for a short maintenance and do not lower your website SEO score.
Is it a bug? No one likes BUGS! How can I report it?
This is awkward and shame on us:(. Fortunately we are friendly guys and if you let us know about it on WordPress Support Forum we promise to fix it as soon as possible!
I have a perfect idea for new features!
That's great! We are happy to hear about any feature or idea you might have to make our plugin perfect! Just let us know NiteoThemes website and we will discuss it!
I really love your plugin and I want to support it!
Nothing is better than a good feedback! Please go to Plugin reviews and rate it! Alternatively you can click on a Donate button too!:)
== Changelog ==
CMP 4.1.9 - 09-Jun-23
Updated compatibility with image lazy load options for EWWW Image Optimizer and Easy Image Optimizer plugins.
CMP 4.1.7 - 02-Mar-23
- Fix security issue when post details could be loaded by Ajax unauthorized request./li>
- Added compatibility with image lazy load options for EWWW Image Optimizer and Easy Image Optimizer plugins.
CMP 4.1.6 - 13-Dec-22
- Updated compatibility with translaction plugins./li>
CMP 4.1.5 - 04-Nov-22
- Compatibility check with WP 6.1
CMP 4.1.4 - 11-Oct-22
- Resolve counter issue in Titan theme
CMP 4.1.3 - 01-Oct-22
CMP 4.1.2 - 17-May-22
- Added option to load font awesome from a local server. Requested by @blauemango
- Changed Bypass settings to be set in days instead of seconds. Suggested by @pierreb
- Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.0
CMP 4.1.1 - 25-Mar-22
- Resolved issue when using CF7 form in the CMP content and error message "This request is invalid"
CMP 4.1 - 11-Mar-22
CMP 4.0.20 - 07-Feb-22
- WordPress 4.9 compatibility
CMP 4.0.19 - 14-Jan-22
- Fixed security issue, when unauthenticated user could update the CSS styles for CMP themes.
- Updated purge caching function
CMP 4.0.18 - 22-Nov-21
- Updated compatibility with CF7 new API.
CMP 4.0.17 - 01-Nov-21
CMP 4.0.16 - 12-Sept-21
- Added new arabic font Tajawal.
== Changelog ==
CMP 4.0.15 - 12-Jul-21
- Updated compatibility with WordPress 5.8
CMP 4.0.14 - 24-May-21
- Resolved issue, when CMP could be bypassed by cmp_theme parameter.
CMP 4.0.13 - 03-May-21
- Added Twitch TV social icon.
- Updated JS AJAX URL with relative path, to avoid issues with CORS.
CMP 4.0.12 - 03-May-21
- Resolved saving issue with W3 Total Cache plugin.
CMP 4.0.11 - 30-Apr-21
- Added socials icons for Wikipedia and IMDb. Suggested by @artgoddess, thanks!
- Updated cache clearing compatibility with caching plugins.
CMP 4.0.10 - 16-Apr-21
- Fixed 2 possible security issues.
CMP 4.0.9 - 13-Apr-21
- Orion - New CMP theme available!
- Some minor code changes.
CMP 4.0.8 - 16-Mar-21
- Resolved Unsplash Image loading, broken since API Unsplash changes.
- New Social Icon for TikTok.
CMP 4.0.7 - 11-Mar-21
- Updated Jetpack compatibility with stats counter.
CMP 4.0.6 - 10-Mar-21
CMP 4.0.5 - 09-Mar-21
- Added compatibility with JetPack stats.
- WordPres 4.7 compatibility.
CMP 4.0.4 - 01-Mar-21
- Updated JS subscribe function to accept plus characters in email addresses.
CMP 4.0.3 - 19-Feb-21
- Updated Unsplash Image preview size to match UI size.
- Change verify email function from wp_email to FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL filter.
- Changed Countdown Default background image to match it's thumbnail.
CMP 4.0.2 - 17-Feb-21
- Resolved PHP notice error on subscribe form.
CMP 4.0.1 - 16-Feb-21
- Resolved Cookie Notice compatibility causing errors after Cookie Notice latest update.
CMP 4.0.0 - 15-Feb-21
- New CMP Theme: Titan.
- Added new settings for Popup window with email subscription.
- Added notification email option when a customer subscribes.
CMP 3.9.8 - 01-Feb-21
- Resolved issue with bypassing WP JSON api on admin pages.
CMP 3.9.7 - 07-Jan-21
- Resolved PHP Warning when "HTTP_HOST" array key was not present. - @seath thanks for reporting it.
- Added support for Litespeed Cache optimization plugin. - requested by @artgoddess
- New option to allow or block RSS feed and REST API - requested by @artgoddess
CMP 3.9.6 - 07-Jan-21
- Resolved issue with displaying Language Switcher even with settings set to off if WPML plugin was enabled.
CMP 3.9.5 - 30-Dec-20
- Resolved issue with not displaying RSS feed icon
CMP 3.9.4 - 30-Dec-20
- New Social Icon: RSS Feed
- Updated NiteoThemes Logo
CMP 3.9.3 - 17-Dec-20
== Changelog ==
CMP 3.9.2 - 28-Nov-20
- Resolved issue with fatal error on website./li>
CMP 3.9.1 - 28-Nov-20
- Resolved issue with not saving Social Icons settings./li>
CMP 3.9.0 - 27-Nov-20
- Added compatibility with Weglot plugin./li>
- Added Goodreads social icon to social settings./li>
- WordPress 5.6 compatibility./li>
CMP 3.8.9 - 02-Nov-20
- Resolved issue when translation settings of "You must agree with our Terms and Conditions." and "Oops! Email is empty." messages could not be translated./li>
CMP 3.8.8 - 14-Oct-20
- New CMP Theme: Scout
- Added new subscribe error messages - when there is no email inserted and GDPR checkbox not checked.
CMP 3.8.7 - 04-Oct-20
- Resolved issue with confict between CMP and WooCommerce Order Status Manager when using Font Awesome icons. Thanks to @swiss13 for reporting this and helping us to resolve it.
CMP 3.8.6 - 09-Sept-20
- Resolved PHP notices generated by WPML Language Switcher if there are not languages configured in WPML.
CMP 3.8.5 - 01-Sept-20
- New CMP Theme - Atlas! Check it out.
- Updated icons to use Font Awesome 5.
- Added Discord Social Icon.
CMP 3.8.4 - 13-Aug-20
- Resolved issue with not updating Social Icon URL after WordPress update 5.5
CMP 3.8.3 - 05-Aug-20
- Resolved bug in Typography settings when font variants did not load correctly.
- Updated compatibility with Cookie Notice plugin.
CMP 3.8.2 - 03-Aug-20
- Small UI typography changes.
- Import / Export function works with Favicon image correctly now.
- Compatibility with WordPress version 5.5
CMP 3.8.1 - 16-July-20
- Resolved UI issue with multiple social media icons.
CMP 3.8 - 16-July-20
- Changed default GDPR checkbox state to unchecked as suggested by Thomas Clausen (@tntc1978)
- Added Copy to Clipboard button for Bypass URL.
- Updated WhatsApp social icon URL to work on IOS, reported by @hideki1991
- Updated YouTube icon and few UI updates, thanks to @duber777
- Tighten security for few AJAX functions.
CMP 3.7.9 - 30-Jun-20
- Updated WPML compatibility - replaced deprecated WPML functions with new equivalents.
CMP 3.7.8 - 27-Jun-20
- Security update resolving few small security issues.
- Updated code to disable CMP mode for Elementor and Divi add-ons by expired counter.
CMP 3.7.7 - 02-Jun-20
- New Coming Soon theme: Mosaic!
- New option to disable or enable compatibility with Cookie notice plugin.
CMP 3.7.6 - 14-May-20
- New option to display checkbox for Subscribe form GDPR message.
- Compatibility added with 3rd party plugin Cookie Notice.
- Resolved issue with clearing cache and Coming Soon mode disabling by expired counter. @leighjones123 thanks for your investigation and input!
CMP - 11-May-20
- Resolved issue with Construct theme background image.
- New option to set custom Logo link URL - suggested by @ct001
- Resolved issue with Google fonts not loading.
CMP 3.7.5 - 09-May-20
- Added Multilanguage functionality via Polylang and WPML support.
CMP - 22-April-20
- Added support to upload custom images for mobile devices.
CMP - 19-April-20
- Added support for WP Optimize cache.
- New Advanced settings to disable automatic paragraphs - wpautop() - in the content editor.
- Some minor UI changes - new descriptions and hints added.
CMP - 14-April-20
- Resolved issue with missing submit button and double content editor in some cases.
CMP 3.7.4 - 13-April-20
CMP 3.7.3 - 08-April-20
- CMP Elementor Add-on released.
- New Countdown action: Hide Counter
CMP - 29-Mar-20
- Bug fix to repair niteothemes.com licensing server.
CMP 3.7.2 - 29-Mar-20
- New Feature: Display login button on Coming Soon pages to navigate to login WordPress URL.
- Change email notification flag from set_transient to update_option since it's not working properly for some users using caching plugins.
- Added Advanced Tab to Basic Settings for a faster navigation.
CMP 3.7.1 - 12-Mar-20
- Introducing CMP & Divi Integration!
- Compatibility with WordPres 5.4
CMP 3.7.0 - 05-Mar-20
- New CMP Theme: Thor!
- Google Recaptcha integration for CMP Subscribe feature. Reported by @n10s, thanks!
- Resolved issue with blurred Unsplash images on mobile devices. Great feature requested by @lchikamoto
CMP 3.6.15 - 19-Feb-20
- Resolved bug with Heading animation settings.
CMP 3.6.14 - 07-Feb-20
- CMP Redirect mode now works as expected together with Bypass URL.
- Resolved few unresolved PHP notices. @wecodify thanks!
CMP 3.6.13 - 09-Jan-20
- Background YouTube video now supports starting time parameter.
CMP 3.6.12 - 08-Jan-20
- Resolved issue with spamming emails about expired Countdown Timer.
- Added 100% compatibility with WPS Hide Login plugin.
- Added Activate button to installed CMP themes to resolve issue that in some cases the toolbar buttons on thumbnail hover did not display correctly.
CMP 3.6.11 - 30-Dec-19
- WordPress Ajax URL added to Whitelist.
CMP 3.6.10 - 30-Dec-19
- After recieveing few complaints that last update locked out admin screens, wp-admin.php has been whitelisted without home_url in a case WordPress URLs misconfiguration.
CMP 3.6.9 - 29-Dec-19
- Enhanced Blacklist and Whitelist feature to support URL parameters.
- Added support for custom login URL.
- Fixed CSS styles to load correctly on translated admin pages.
CMP 3.6.8 - 16-Dec-19
- To Celebrate Winter Time we added a beautiful Snowing Effect!
- Admin Ajax is Whitelisted automatically now. That should resolve issues with some 3rd party plugins requiring Ajax.
CMP 3.6.7 - 21-Nov-19
- Resolved issue with gradient background not displaying correctly in admin settings for Countdown theme. Thanks @isaacmuniz for letting us know!
CMP 3.6.6 - 09-Nov-19
- Another new CMP Theme - Delta!
- Resolved stying issue with Custom CSS editor. Thanks to @mariobeach for reporting it!
CMP 3.6.5 - 28-Oct-19
- MailOPtin plugin integration.
- Added compatibility with WordPress 5.3 release.
CMP 3.6.4 - 14-Oct-19
- Resolved persiting bug with http string added in social media links icons.
- New Advanced option to choose between CMP Top Bar layouts - full and compact.
- Slightly redesigned CMP Settings admin screen.
CMP 3.6.3 - 11-Oct-19
- Updated URL attribute for Email social network to resolve issue with outputed http string.
CMP 3.6.2 - 09-Oct-19
- New CMP Theme Libra!
- Updated social networks names with correct letter capitalization.
- Removed Google+ from social networks.
CMP 3.6.1 - 26-Sept-19
- Changes in Custom Analytics code: it can contain any Javascript code now. It also requires code wrapped in '